For men won't settle for mediocre

Unlock your inner high-performing masculine CHAD and start crushing your life goals

Testosterone is the secret behind the high-performing maculine.But the problem is...The average 22 year old today has the same Testosterone levels as the average 70 year old had in the 1980s

Which means no libido. No energy. No masculine drive. Brain fog. Difficulty putting on muscle. Soy-boy mood swings.

So if you DO NOT want go through life with the libido, energy, strength and mindset of an elderly person... need to fix your Testosterone

But here's the thing...

Natural Testosterone optimization is overwhelming

There are endless opinions on what seems to work and what is BS.There are mountains of research to sift throughHundreds of supplements (that are a waste of money, toxic or both)The journey will feel like this...

You could spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars running experiments on yourselfAnd feel like you're getting nowhere=and that's exactly what I didUntil a pattern emerged...

which is why I created...

BEAST MODE: The Natural Testosterone System

An 8-week proven system to boost testosterone naturally without the overwhelm

A system to help you optimize your life according to the 5 major high-T pillars. You'll also learn...

  • How to remove the toxins from your life that are destroying you testosterone (and how to stop daily exposure)

  • A fast-track solution to help you replace the overwhelming number of feminizing products that are everywhere (and exactly what products to use instead)

  • How to tune your circadian rhythm for maximum testosterone release while you sleep (meaning your morning wood returns)

  • A hormone boosting morning & night routine (which improves your testosterone sleep state)

  • Exercise guidelines on the muscle groups and exercises essential for a high-T environment (with or without access to a gym)

  • One surprising training protocol that can be done in less than 15 mins/week (which boosts growth hormone by 771%)

  • A high-T nutrition plan that makes dieting easy (no more annoying diets)

  • A system to identify & choose supplements that will actually boost Testosterone (hint: 90% of them don't work)

  • Natural T-boosting protocols & biohacks used by high performing masculine entrepreneurs (like the soviet power-lifting secret)

Who am I?

I'm Alex (the guy behind the Burning Anchor newsletter)I'm an entrepreneur, Health Coach, Yoga Teacher, Cold Water Immersion Facilitator and Oxygen Advantage breathwork Instructor.In 2018 low-T was ruining my lifeIt kept me stuck in a pattern of overthinking and procrastination.And it destroyed my libido for life.I was a shell of myself which ruined my relationship (and almost ruined my business)But then I found natural testosterone optimisation. And I spent years experimenting on myself.It was slow at first but eventually I figured out what works....and the FIRE that I needed for life returned.Which changed everythingIt pushed me crush my life goals.It helped me find the relationship of my dreams.And I turned my failing business around (which led to a 7 figure exit)Now I spend my time writing about health, masculinity and helping other men turn their lives around through natural testosterone optimization

This system gets results

If you follow the steps and do the work you'll get your Testosterone to life-changing-masculinity-building levels.

Like Ez...who recently went through the system. Now his levels are now off the charts (literally)


The BEAST MODE cohort running in July (details below) is heavily discounted(Why: working closely with a small live group will allow me to fine tune a few details, get more case studies, and improve future versions of the course)

I'm capping this cohort at TEN spots and it costs $197

It will never be this cheap again

After this cohort the price is increasing to $997

Details of the cohort:

  • July 17-31: Testosterone-destroying toxin module (pre-recorded)

  • August 1-31: weekly live calls focusing on each of the natural Testosterone pillars

  • September: private 1-on-1 integration call

You'll also be grandfathered into the September program launch and have lifetime access.

If you want to transform your life with a proven natural testosterone optimization system

(Access will close once 10 spots have been filled)